Saturday, September 28, 2013

Sixty Years of HIts: Straight From the Horse's Mouth

This is interesting.  Press releases, letters and photos exactly as written over a 50 year period.  Seems there was never a press release about The Platters that went out of the Personality office that did not mention Buck Ram.  Not one in 50 years!  It's pretty amazing that this whole who's the owner, who started the group thing has been going on that long, but here's the truth without opinion, dreams, wannabes and do-gooders personal opinions.  The Platters were the #1 group of the 50s.  I doubt there are many people under fifty who give a rats behind about the group or the behind the scenes goings on, but it's interesting that so much of the court's time is being spent on the matter in 2013.  Perhaps Judges Navarro, Pro, Segal-Ikuta, McKeown, Wallace, and Magistrates Foley, Johnson and others and their office staffs should take a look at the truth as written at the time it was happening and stop wasting the taxpayers money on something that means nothing to the public.  But I won't hold my breath.  In following this, I have learned that the courts have nothing to do with the truth.  The only thing that matters is if one attorney can put their lie over with no regard for the truth over the other guy who may or may not be telling the truth.  I've started watching some of these Forty-eight Hour Mysteries on television with a whole new attitude.  Just how much of what these prosecutors and defense attorney make-up do the judges and juries believe.  That makes me think about OJ and Sam Shepard again.  What a pile of horse manure those two trials were!!