Thursday, March 20, 2014

Segregation - Prejudice - Racism

When I was growing up, we only had segregation, which was good because everyone likes to live with their own, and prejudice, which was bad (at least in our house) because no one should be judged by the color of their skin or their nationality.  I wouldn't like it if someone called me a honky or a cracker, therefore, I didn't call other people names they wouldn't like.  I was about three when my mother taught me "Enny, meeny, miney mo."  It was followed by catch a colored man by the toe . . . because it was not polite to call black people niggers.  They preferred to be called colored, and we were to show respect to everyone.  

When we moved into our house in the hoioty-toity Chicago suburb, there were no colored people in town, but then there were only 14,000 people and a lot of vacant lots.  Sometime when I was in junior high, I remember one of the kids telling me there were still Jim Crow laws on the books in town.  He told me "that means black people have to be off the street by sundown."  That was stupid, and if there was such a law, no one paid any attention to it.  Of course, we rarely saw a colored person in town.

Colored people were the people who got on the el at Ridgeland.  That was the street of demarcation in Oak Park.  Colored people lived east.  White people lived west.  There was no "back of the bus" on the el that I can remember.  We were all grateful to get a seat.  The most important thing my mother taught me about colored people then was that colored women were beginning to bleach their hair.  That was not good. The texture of their hair and the bleach didn't do well together.  Their hair tended to turn orange rather than blonde, and it usually looked bad with their skin tone.  They should let their hair be the way God made it grow.  (She believed that until she went gray and began a personal love affair with Nice 'n Easy).  I remember sitting at the counter at Walgreens on State Street having a nickel coke when a colored woman with bleached hair came and sat a few stools down from us (hmmm, I just thought about that.  Walgreens. Lunch counter.  Pre-Rosa Parks.)  Anyway, my mother leaned over to me and whispered, "See what I mean about colored women bleaching their hair.  Look how funny it makes her skin look."  I looked.  She was right.

I knew about segregation.  I learned about prejudice when I was about five.  My aunt and I were waiting for the bus in Chicago and a warm spring day.  It took forever for the bus to come, and she finally had to do her magic trick of lighting a cigarette and poof, the bus would appear within a minute.  But while we were waiting, a colored mother and daughter were standing off to one side.  The daughter was a year or so younger than I, and I remember thinking she was cute but had on a hat with a wide brim that put her face in a shadow.  So I walked over to her, bent the brim of her straw hat back (and probably broke it), and said, "There.  Now everyone can see your pretty face."  

My aunt called me back to her side and told me I shouldn't have done that.  I wanted to know why.  She answered, "Because we're not supposed to mix with colored people."  That was a stupid rule.  My new friend and her mother got on the bus before my aunt and I.  They went to the back of the bus, and I followed them.  My aunt called me to come sit beside her at the front of the bus.  "But I want to sit with my friend." "You can't.  You have to stay up here."  That was another stupid rule, telling me where I had to sit on the bus.   There were a lot of stupid rules, but ones about where you could sit on a bus and who you could talk to were really, really stupid.

I don't think I had any other interaction with a colored person until I went away to college when I was seventeen.  While I was filling out the application for the dorm room, there was a question about having prejudice against colored people.  It was so dumb, I had to ask my mother what they meant.  She said they were making sure there were no problems in the dorm (whoops - pre-Rosa Parks again) by putting people with a roommate they would fight with or feelings would get hurt.  She didn't imagine there would be many colored people at school.  I asked her how I should answer the question.  She said, "Why should you care?  Somebody else has nothing to do with who you are."

Interestingly, when we moved into the dorm, the only person who had said they would have trouble with a colored roommate was the person who got the only colored girl on the floor.  I remember her telling me, "I learned a lesson today.  When I complained about being in a room with a colored, they told me it was done on purpose so so I would get over my prejudice.  They're right because she's nice."

There were a bunch of us who went everywhere together that first few weeks of school, including Marcia, our new colored friend, - until the night I learned about intra-racial prejudice.   About six of us were walking into a sock hop.  We stopped right inside the door to check out the guys (what else do eighteen year old girls do at a dance).  Marcia saw a fellow from her neighborhood she didn't know was at school.  "Ah.  I like him.  But he never looked at me at home.  Now that he knows I'm smart and at college, maybe he'll talk to me."  At that same moment the guy spotted Marcia.  His voice was so hateful.  "Hey, Marcia.  What are you doing with those white people?  What did you do, some up here and become a white lover?  Get over here."  We were all shocked.  Marcia was devastated.  She looked at him and him demanding tone.  She looked at us.  In a split second the bright, happy girl we had walked in the door with shriveled before our eyes.  "I guess I'd better go over with them."  "No," we protested.  "I have to," she said and never went anywhere with us again.  She became a recluse at first, sitting in her room studying, and then started staying out until just before curfew every night.  She had been such a happy girl.  She became so unhappy, and that one incident broke up our little group and had everyone walking on tenterhooks around each other.

I'd known what segregation was since I was a kid.  In one fleeting moment I learned what prejudice was.  I didn't like it.  

But then, later that summer, came racism.  Did things got better after Martin Luther King's March on Washington?  I've been told they did.  What I know from experience is they got very different - overnight. And racism is a far dirtier word in my vocabulary than segregation or prejudice.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Killing Las Vegas

Back in the good, old days - when the Mob ran Las Vegas and there was no crime (except for a few bodies in the desert of people who wanted to be criminals) - the casino owners owned everything on their property. There were no vending machines.  No cigarette machines.  No franchise restaurants.  The entire casino operation was ONE business.  No single department had to be profitable.  The entire business had to be profitable, therefore, the restaurants could offer a ninety-nine cent breakfast or a four ninety-five prime rib.  Food promotions and give-a-ways were all part of getting people through the door to make money from gambling.  At some of the casinos you could get six dollars in nickels for four dollars in cash.  Las Vegas was different from the rest of the world, and it ran more efficiently, but sometime in the mid-eighties that began to change.  

The first casino to bring in a franchise restaurant was the Riviera when they put in a Burger King.  Burger King, of course, paid rent and that company, separate from the casino, had to be profitable on its own.  With that single change Las Vegas began a downhill slide with little possibility of recovery.  Casinos are no longer businesses with a bottom line of their own.  They are miniature cities which house dozens of different business under one roof - all of which must be profitable individually.

In a meeting a few days ago regarding why live entertainment has died in Las Vegas, someone said, "Casinos are catering to the under thirty-five crowd.  They charge a hundred dollars to get in the door and three hundred dollars for a bottle of liquor and play nothing but canned music."  We all nodded our heads in agreement and went on to discuss how to overcome the situation and bring live entertainment back.

It wasn't until the meeting had broken up, and I was home in the quiet of my little office that I thought, "Wait! The casinos aren't catering to the under thirty-five crowd.  Their lessees are."  The business of casinos is no longer entertainment and gambling.  They are landlords.  Today most restaurants in casinos are franchises.  Perhaps buffets are the exception.  Entertainment is four-walled, meaning the entertainers lease the rooms to put on their own show.  Shop space is leased.  Every individual entity within the casino has to meet their own bottom line, and casinos no longer do that with gaming.  They do it by leasing space, charging exorbitant prices for rooms, and keeping their labor costs down with ticket in-ticket out slots and automated bill breakers.

Not long ago I walked through two of the mega-resorts on the Strip at eight in the morning.  There was a total of six people playing the machines and three people at the blackjack tables at one casino.  There was a total of twelve at my next stop.  If the little five thousand square foot neighborhood casino down the street from me only had that many customers at four in the morning, they would close!  But it was worse at the mega-resorts I visited that evening.  About eight o'clock the same day, when dinner should be over and the four-walled shows hadn't yet started and people should be gambling, I did another reconnaissance mission and counted a total of one hundred and twenty-five people at machines and the live gaming tables in a casino with more than a thousand machines.  The taxes on the machines alone has to be budget-breaking.  No wonder casinos can no longer afford to pay entertainers and loss leaders on food.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Live Entertainment in Las Vegas - Taxed to Death

Taxed to Death

Las Vegas is the Entertainment Capital of the World.  Huh?!  It used to be, but the Nevada Gaming/Entertainment tax has killed live music in the casinos.  In the glory days of Las Vegas there was entertainment everywhere.  Seven days a week -twenty-four hours a day there was something going on somewhere.  I remember (centuries ago) seeing Kenny Rogers and the First Edition at the lounge at the Sands. There was no one in the lounge, but they played their heart out, and everyone in the casino listened and knew they were there.  Ten years ago there were bands that played the lounge circuit.  Monday nights at the Maxim talent night filled the entire casino.  The "showroom" at the Four Queens was actually a lounge.  The Platters played there sixteen weeks a year for ten years to a full room with people standing outside four and five deep to watch.  I was a "railbird" going from casino to casino hanging over the railing (most casinos had brass railings around the lounges) to watch amazing live performers. 

About ten years ago all of that came to an end.  I missed the music, but I didn't think much about why it had happened.  I simply assumed that the casinos had become too cheap to pay the entertainers.   Then a few months ago we called a downtown casino about doing an event in their meeting room.  The answer - not if you have live entertainment.  Why?  Because of the Live Entertainment Tax.  Live Entertainment Tax? What's that.  We found another venue.  They said . . . we'd love to have you, but NO live entertainment. We won't pay the taxes.  So we started looking into it.  It turns out the "new" gaming-entertainment tax isn't new. It was put in place ten years ago - when live entertainment disappeared in the lounges.  But it didn't just disappear, it was murdered by the State of Nevada.  For Las Vegas, a city where the economy has gone to hell in a handbasket in the last decade, this may be the dumbest tax ever.  In the good old days of Las Vegas when it was the Entertainment Capital of the World, people went to a show, and an 18%  tax was added to your bill.  That was fine.  But now . . . .

The Stratosphere charges a ticket fee to take the elevator to the top of the tower.  If they have live entertainment at the top, the elevator ticket has a live entertainment tax added.  Then there is live entertainment tax added to the food and drinks and any merchandise sold.  So how do you avoid the tax? Kill the entertainment . . . and the careers of all the entertainers in town who were here when Las Vegas was the Entertainment Capital of the World.

It's not simply that the State of Nevada shot themselves in the foot when it comes to one of the major draws for its cities that sit in the middle of nowhere, they have shot entertainers in the heart!  

Why should tourists come to Las Vegas if it's nothing more than a collection of two and a half miles of tall buildings with slot machines?  You can see tall buildings in any big city in the world - most with more architectural integrity than anything in Las Vegas!  If you want to drop your money in a slot machine, there's an Indian Reservation or River Boat within driving distance of anyplace in the country.  

People who live in Las Vegas talk about the good old days when the Mob ran the town - and ran it right. The corporate mentality of "it's about the bottom line" has killed a city where you used to be able to smell the money!   The dealers all knew your name at your favorite casino.  It was exciting.  Now it's ticket in-ticket out.  Nobody knows your name - or cares to.  Change people don't exist.  Cocktail waitresses can't make a living because no one has cash.  And the president of the country has told conventions not to come to Las Vegas driving a stake through the pocketbooks of cab drivers, hairdressers and bellmen who can no long make a decent living.

Nothing can be done about ticket in-ticket out or no one carrying cash, but there is one thing that can bring back some of the excitement and glory of Las Vegas . . . LIVE entertainment.  Get rid of the idiotic tax! Bring back the music.  Do something to make Las Vegas special, because not only is it no longer the Entertainment Capital of the World, it is no longer the Gaming Capital of the World.  That title goes to Macao - a half a world away.